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North Central Food Safety Extension Network
Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe – Newsletter

University of Wisconsin-Extension programs in Agriculture and Natural Resources help urban and rural people use research and knowledge to solve problems and take advantage of new opportunities. Agriculture and Natural Resources educators balance farm profitability and production of high quality food, horticulture crops, fiber and plant material with protection of the natural environment.
Latest UW-Extension Dairy Team Headlines
News From Around the State
Wisconsin Crop Manager
The Soy Report
- UW – Extension Agriculture Program Teams – Teams of University of Wisconsin faculty and academic staff and representatives from farm organizations and agricultural industries develop, design and evaluate educational programs in agriculture and natural resources. With on-campus specialists providing research-based information and county agents linking the programs to local needs, these teams offer comprehensive educational programs in many relevanat areas.
- UW – Extension Agriculture & Natural Resources – Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs aim to make Wisconsin agriculture strong and competitive while conserving and protecting natural resources. Education about agriculture and natural resources protects our economy, our food supply, our natural environment and our future.
If you have any question regarding Agriculture or Horticulture in Florence County, please contact:

Scott Reuss
Agriculture & Horticulture Educator
Florence County UW-Extension
Natural Resource Building
5628 Forestry Dr
Florence, WI 54121
email: scott.reuss@wisc.edu